High Holy Days

We invite you to join us in celebrating and observing these special Holy days beginning with the observance of Selichot, Kever Avot (visiting our loved ones’ graves), and Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur and Yizkor Memorial services.  Please see the Schedule of Services below for detailed information regarding dates and times of these services, Book of Remembrance, how to access the Machzor (High Holy Day prayer book), and for Congregation Shalom members, participating in the services. 

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The High Holy Days are a time for reflection, introspection, and prayer. For many Jews, the High Holy Day season begins with Rosh HaShanah and the start of the new month of Tishrei. Jewish tradition, however, teaches that the preceding month of Elul is a time of soul-searching and reflection to prepare oneself for the magnitude of the Days of Awe. It is during this time that we observe Selichot, the special service held late on the Saturday night prior to Rosh HaShanah. Selichot are, by the broadest definition, penitential prayers recited during the High Holy Days and other fast days during the year. To learn more about Selichot and their interesting history, visit the URJ website at this link.

Rosh HaShanah (literally, “Head of the Year”) is the Jewish New Year, a time of prayer, self-reflection, and repentance. We review our actions during the past year, and we look for ways to improve ourselves, our communities, and our world in the year to come. The holiday marks the beginning of a 10-day period known as the Yamim Nora’im (“Days of Awe” or “Days of Repentance”), ushered in by Rosh HaShanah and culminating with Yom Kippur (the “Day of Atonement”). Rosh HaShanah is widely observed by Jews throughout the world, often with prayer and reflection in a synagogue. There also are several holiday rituals observed at home.

Rosh HaShanah is celebrated on the first day of the Hebrew month of Tishrei, which – because of differences in the solar and lunar calendar – corresponds to September or October on the Gregorian or secular calendar. Customs associated with the holiday include sounding the shofar, eating a round challah, and tasting apples and honey to represent a sweet New Year.  Learn more about Rosh HaShanah on the URJ website.

Yom Kippur means “Day of Atonement” and refers to the annual Jewish observance of fasting, prayer and repentance; it is considered the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. Yom Kippur is the moment in Jewish time when we dedicate our mind, body, and soul to reconciliation with our fellow human beings, ourselves, and God. As the New Year begins, we commit to self-reflection and inner change. As both seekers and givers of forgiveness, we turn first to those whom we have wronged, acknowledging our sins and the pain we have caused them.  We are also commanded to forgive, to be willing to let go of any resentment we feel towards those who have committed offenses against us. We are taught that for offenses “bein adam l’chaveiro – between two people” – the one who has committed the offense must personally and genuinely apologize and ask forgiveness, sincerely promising not to repeat the offense. Only then can we turn to God and ask for forgiveness. As we read in the Yom Kippur liturgy, “And for all these, God of forgiveness, forgive us, pardon us, and grant us atonement.” Learn more about Yom Kippur on the URJ website.

Schedule of High Holy Day Services
Rabbi Lisa J. Goldstein, RJE, MAEd
Manahara Virasinha, Accompanist 
and our
Congregation Shalom Volunteer Choir

All High Holy Day Services will be Multi-Access:

at House of Prayer Lutheran Church
10226 Ironside Drive
San Antonio, TX 78230

There is no cost to attend, however advance registration is required.
For security purposes, IDs will be checked at the door.
While the Covid risk in San Antonio remains low, masks are optional for all. Those who need to mask for medical reasons should feel 100% comfortable doing so.

If you prefer:

​Join us on Zoom 
Advance registration required (see below)

or Watch us on YouTube
No registration necessary

Saturday, September 28, 2024
7:00 pm  Program and Dessert Reception

9 pm Havdalah & Selichot Service
Join us on Zoom

Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday, October 2  – Evening Service – 7:30 pm

Thursday, October 3 – Morning Service –  10 am

Shabbat Shuvah 
Friday, October 4 – Service – 6:45 p.m.  



Yom Kippur
Friday, October 11 – Kol Nidre Service – 7:30 pm

Saturday, October 12 – Morning Service – 10 am 
Music & Meditation- 1 pm
Text Study – 2 pm
Healing Service – 3 pm
Afternoon Avodah Service – 4 pm
Yizkor Memorial Service 5:00 pm
Ne’ilah Closing Service – 6:00 pm
Break-the-Fast – 7:00 pm

Our services are free and open to the community, however advance registration is required to join in person or by Zoom. Click on the links below to register. If attending in person, you will receive your tickets in the mail. If attending on Zoom, you will receive your personalized link by email.

Separate Zoom registration is required for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur,
however the link for each holiday is to be used for all services and activities on that holiday. 

In Person Registration:

Zoom Registration:


If you prefer, watch our services on YouTube; no registration required!


We won’t be putting the prayers on screen so you will want to have the machzor “in hand.”
There are three opportunities so you can choose the one that is best for your family:

If you are attending in-person,
Machzors will be available for you to use during each service on site.

If you are attending online, you have two options:
Reserve Machzor(s) to Borrow (Congregation Shalom Members only) 
Purchase Machzor(s) from CCAR – Hardcover  or the Mishkan HaNefesh E-Book, which can be read on the free Kindle App 


We want YOU to participate in services!
Read English or Hebrew, have an Aliyah

or lead a larger ‘chunk’ of the service – there’s something for everyone!

Click the link below and fill out the brief form to tell Rabbi Lisa how you’d like to participate.

Participate in Services

Book of Remembrance

Memorialize your loved ones in a keepsake booklet that will be distributed at the start of our Yizkor service. Click the link below to submit the names of your loved ones and make a contribution to Congregation Shalom in their memory.


Deadline: September 20, 2024


To make a check donation or payment to Congregation Shalom, please mail to:

Congregation Shalom

San Antonio, TX 78270

P.O. Box 700187

Donate online with PayPal or Credit Card

(please include processing fees)


To make a payment or donation with no fees to you or Congregation Shalom, search in ZELLE for Congregation Shalom of San Antonio at lisa@shalomsa.org.