Kesher Shalom

“Educate the child according to the child’s own way, so that even in his old age, he will not turn away from it.” (King Solomon, Proverbs 22:6)

Sundays at 9:30 AM for about 90 minutes, beginning Sept. 12 

​Kesher (Connection) is our innovative children’s education program for kids entering Kindergarten – 8th grade. Our highly interactive curriculum includes weekly Hebrew instruction, T’filah (prayer), Shabbat and holiday celebrations, Jewish values, Bible, age-appropriate theology, and more. We learn through hands-on activities such as art, cooking, dance, games, stories, and music. 

​Registration required, and the Zoom link will be shared after registration is confirmed.  Kesher Shalom is a benefit of Congregation Shalom membership, and there is no additional fee for your child to participate. For as long as we are learning remotely, a list of materials needed for each week’s activities will be shared in advance.

​NOT A MEMBER YET? NO PROBLEM! All are welcome to participate. There is a $1,200 tuition fee per child if you are not yet a member. If and when you decide to join Congregation Shalom, this amount will be applied toward your annual membership commitment.