If a couple, please indicate information for “Adult A” and “Adult B.”
If an individual, just use “Adult A.”
Please help us get to know a little bit about you. We understand that not every question will apply to you, or you may not be able to answer every question. That’s okay. We appreciate your completing as much of this section as you can.
Do you have other household members who may participate in Congregation activities, such as adult children, grandchildren, or a companion that lives with you? If so, please tell us who they are so we can welcome them too.
It is our sincere hope and desire to offer a variety of opportunities for involvement in the life of Congregation Shalom. Please let us know which, if any, of the following activities you might like to participate in. Please note, in some cases, we are gauging interest before forming groups and committees.
Congregation Shalom of San Antonio is an inclusive congregation that welcomes all who seek connection to Jewish life. While all may participate in worship services and education classes, benefits of membership include pastoral care, life cycle celebrations, and high quality educational programs for children and adults, and being part of a really special community. Most activities are offered at no additional fees for any Congregation member who wishes to attend.
We depend on our members in order to meet the financial obligations associated with these benefits. Our Congregation operations are funded primarily through a Shared Member Commitment. The sustaining contribution level is $2,500, which reflects the actual cost per member household to maintain our Congregation Shalom staff and activities. We ask that each member household fairly assess its own Commitment level and contribute according to their ability to support and sustain the Congregation. We realize that not everyone will be able to contribute at the sustaining contribution level, while others who are able will generously contribute more, and we are grateful for each and every contribution.
We want you to know that your involvement in our Congregational community is what is most important to us, and no one will ever be denied membership because of their financial circumstances. Feel free to contact Adam Falkiewicz, Congregation Shalom Treasurer, at (210) 535-7773 or to discuss any concerns about your financial commitment in confidence.
We ask that you please make your Annual Membership Commitment Pledge for July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024. You may indicate whether you would like to be invoiced quarterly, semi-annually, annually, or not at all. We ask that, if possible, you include your first quarter payment with your application.
We are grateful to have you as a member of Congregation Shalom and we thank you for your support.